
The SWL & Surrey Neurosciences Network oversees several sub-specialty clinical networks that also work across the South West London and Surrey geography in order to improve patient experience and outcomes and strengthen collaborative working.


Subspecialty regional networks

There are subspecialty networks that work across South West London and Surrey in the following condition areas (click on the buttons below for more information):

Epilepsy   Multiple Sclerosis (MS)  Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

Motor Neurone Disease (MND)  Parkinson's Disease (PD)


Other regional networks

Network development and collaboration is vital to our work across South West London and Surrey. In addition to the established regional networks in epilepsy, MS, MND, Parkinson’s and FND, there are other networks, services, and future developments uniting clinicians for better patients care in our geography. Whilst our SWL & Surrey Network Board don’t oversee these, we have developed strong working relationships in order to share learning and provide support.